A skin pack is a set of skins that the user can equip to their inventory and use in a custom game. Skins are texture sets that can be applied to vehicle classes (light/medium/heavy) for different seasons (summer/winter) giving them a different appearance.
Ready-to-use skin mods can only be used in custom games (as opposed to curated skins). Generally skin mods contain both a summer and winter skin for every vehicle in a faction. These are set up within the mod as 6 different items that can then be equipped by players via the in game inventory screen:
- Heavy Summer Skin
- Medium Summer Skin
- Light Summer Skin
- Heavy Winter Skin
- Medium Winter Skin
- Light Winter Skin

If you subscribe to this mod you can find it: (drive):\Users\(username)\Documents\my games\company of heroes 2\mods\skins\subscriptions\464057705.sga
You can use the Archive Viewer to open it and see the burned files and file structure. (does not include source)
NOTE: If you are submitting to the curated pathway then your mod will be big as it will include your source files. This may cause you to hit the upload file size limit of 300MB. If this is the case try splitting your mod into summer and winter packs and upload each separately. Worst case divide it into 6 parts - one for each of the 6 season & weight variants.
Below is a breakdown of the skinnable vehicles in each army.
SOVIET UNION: 15 vehicles. SU6 and Katyusha share same texture. KV-1 and KV-8 share the same texture. Lend Lease vehicle Sherman and M3 Halftrack can also be found in US Forces (They share models but use different textures).

Source Files
Follow the Skin Pack Wizard Tutorial for detailed instructions on setting up your skin pack mod as well as instructions for downloading all the source files.
Archive Structure
+-<mod info>